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Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
Fiber Paradox: How Ultra-Processed Foods Impact Health and Nutrition
As consumption of ultra-processed foods rises, there's a concerning trend emerging – a decline in the intake of dietary fiber.
Madeline Bennett
5 min read
Getting Nutrition Science Right | How Food Companies Distort Nutrition Science (Part III)
This is the third and final installment in a series about how food industry meddling biases nutrition science research to its advantage...
Madeline Bennett
7 min read
Amplifiers of Bad Science | How Food Companies Distort Nutrition Science (Part II)
This is the second installment in a series about how food industry meddling biases nutrition science research to its advantage....
Madeline Bennett
7 min read
The Industry Playbook | How Food Companies Distort Nutrition Science (Part I)
This is the first installment in a series about how food industry meddling biases nutrition science research to its advantage and at the ex
Madeline Bennett
3 min read
A Response to The Atlantic’s Bad Nutrition Take
If there’s one thing I can count on, it’s that popular media will continue to circulate feel-good distortions of the nutrition science...
Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
We're giving awards for what?!
This morning as I was going through my daily nutrition Google Alerts, one story caught my eye. It was about a school district that won a...
Andrea Jacobson
4 min read
Big Food profits, children pay the price.
Big Food is robbing our children of their future—our future—right in front of our eyes. And it must change now.
Sarah Landman
6 min read
From High Cholesterol to Healthy Lifestyle Advocate: A Provider's Perspective
We recently had the opportunity to interview Kansas City's only Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner, Trey Bennett, to learn...
Audrey Sanchez
5 min read
I no longer believe education is the best solution...(part 2)
In Part One of this series, I shared the top two reasons I’ve come to believe nutrition and public health advocacy are more effective...
Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
I no longer believe education is the best solution. (Part 1)
In this two-part series, I’m sharing five reasons I’ve come to believe we can’t educate our way out of the current diet-related disease...
Madeline Bennett
4 min read
How One Simple Menu Swap Can Prevent Chronic Disease
At Balanced, our central ask of school districts is that they enrich their menus by adding nutrient-dense plant-based proteins and...
Madeline Bennett
4 min read
Three Ways to Put the EAT-Lancet Report into Action
This week, the EAT-Lancet Commission released its first report outlining a set of universal, evidence-based benchmarks for the global...
Madeline Bennett
5 min read
The Standard American Diet Will Kill Hundreds of Thousands in 2019. Does Anyone Care?
The hardest job of a nutrition advocate is getting people to appreciate the full gravity of our nation’s truly grim health crises. Not...
Madeline Bennett
5 min read
It's 2019, Eggs Still Aren't Healthy
In December of 2018, TIME magazine published an article titled "Are Eggs Healthy? Here's What the Experts Say." Unfortunately, what the...
Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
Hot Take: the USDA doesn't care about children
With the announcement that loosened school nutrition standards are going to allow for increased servings of refined grains,...
Audrey Sanchez
2 min read
The Egg Industry's New Low
Pop quiz: what food product that can’t be labeled nutritious, healthy, relatively low calorie, relatively low fat, or a rich source of...
Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
Hook Them Young
Forty-one years ago, a major broadcast marketing publication printed this: “If you’re selling, Charlie’s Mom is buying. But you’ve got to...
Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
Reading List Suggestions for Understanding the Food System
Instead of focusing exclusively on the state of our food system, I’ve been spending some time trying to figure out how we got to this...
Audrey Sanchez
3 min read
Sometimes Progress Requires Discomfort
Recently, I’ve had the privilege of meeting with the food service directors — and often their contracted food service company — of...
Audrey Sanchez
4 min read
An Interview with Heart Doctor, Dr. Andrew Freeman
We were fortunate enough to learn of Dr. Freeman's work after reading an article he wrote about heart attacks during the holiday season....
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